Know What the Lab Numbers Mean

A blood sugar is part of regular checkup. So you may already have years of blood sugar results in your medical record. In addition, there are other lab tests used to screen and follow-up for prediabetes and diabetes. Your doctor will review these lab tests to decide if your blood sugar level is within a goal or higher than normal.

When you meet with your diabetes team, they may ask you questions about your diabetes routine. These questions can help them reveal something that has been sabotaging your diabetes care plan. There are a number of explanations why a blood sugar can go up. And why it can drop. The information in this flyer will explain and help you understand your blood sugar and A1c results: All About Blood Sugar

*Watch this video to learn how monitoring your blood sugar helps you make decisions about your diabetes care:

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*Reproduced with permission of the American Association of Diabetes Educators.  All rights reserved.  May not be reproduced or distributed without the written approval of AADE.

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